Monday, 15 February 2010

37 weeks, and what a mess!!!

(written at 37 weeks, but forgot to post! oops!! >.<) So last week we'd been excited to have found a nice delivering hospital... and preemptively bragged. On Wednesday we went to see the head doc. at that place, and he simply told us to go find another hospital. We were not impressed, and I did in fact have a mini-meltdown. How could this be?? I could go into labour any day and we had no idea where! We were stressed not only about hospitals, but we also still were basically broke, didn't have insurance, and also hadn't applied for our foreign IDs! Surely this was the most difficult week for us so far. We spent a lot of time stressed, arguing and worrying about what to do... admittedly it took us a while to bring it to God. >.< Not a proud moment, but definitely a learning moment for us.

The next day we and a good friend made some frantic phone calls, and we got in to see a new doc. at a new hospital. I had been complaining the night before that doctors these days weren't what they used to be, and deep down inside I had secretly hoped for Bill Cosby's Dr. Huxtable to deliver my baby. Well, this new doc could very well be my answer to secret longing! ^.^

We went to visit him and he was very talkative and informative - a pro for me, as I'm an anatomy info. junkie. He did a sonogram and we discovered Baby Rush is now 4kilos (!!!!) and everything looks good. As we were talking I mentioned that I hadn't had a pelvic exam in a long time, but I'd been having some discomfort down there. He said with no contractions it wouldn't be necessary and that he'd do one next week... but, being Beth, I argued with a doctor. I wanted an exam that day!!

So, the doc took a look at things and exclaimed, "whoa!" Then went on to explain that without any contractions that I'd become 100% effaced and was 3cm dilated!! Wowzas... he then said it could be any time, and with the baby being so big and fully developed (full term) that he'd be willing to break my water to speed things up!! Wow...

After that news, we were off to our baby shower, which was a blast and such a blessing to us!!!

We celebrated with several friends at the local Christian school, and really just enjoyed the company and encouragement. Of course they took the time to pray for us, which really gave me peace about things knowing that we were covered in prayer. They also blessed us with many great gifts and a fun night.

Seeing as this post is actually old, I'll stop now so I can move on to more exciting things!!

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